Welcome to CloudWeGo

A leading practice for building enterprise cloud native middleware!

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Why CloudWeGo?

CloudWeGo is an open-source middleware set launched by ByteDance that can be used to quickly build enterprise-class cloud native architectures. The common characteristics of CloudWeGo projects are high performance, high scalability, high reliability and focus on microservices communication and governance.


Fully open source, community neutral, compatible with the community open source ecology, pluggable components, CloudWeGo components and other open source components can be integrated or replaced with each other


Contains the components needed to build an enterprise-class cloud-native architecture, allowing users to focus more on business development, meet the current and future needs of user scenarios, and experience the refinement of large-scale scenarios

Cloud Native

Quickly build a cloud-native microservice system and develop more reliable, scalable and easy-to-maintain cloud-native applications.

"Over the past three years, Bytedance has witnessed rapid growth in the number and scale of its microservices. In 2018, we had about 7,000-8,000 online microservices, and by May of 2021, the number had exceeded 50,000. Now, we have decided to open source these technologies to help more developers. "
— Service Framework Team, ByteDance
CloudWeGo enriches the CNCF CLOUD NATIVE Landscape.